Cozy Up to These Delightful Coffee Lover Gifts Under $10 & A Freebie from me!
, by Kims Korner, 2 min reading time
, by Kims Korner, 2 min reading time
Let's get right to it! Finding a gift for a coffee lover shouldn't be hard, whether they prefer iced coffee, a steaming hot cup of joe, a fancy latte, or maybe their own java concoction. We gathered up some under $10 must haves that will please any coffee lover.
Just grab a bow and go!
Frother Wand coming in at $7.99
A frother is a must-have tool for coffee lovers, allowing you to create rich, creamy foam for cappuccinos and lattes. It can froth both dairy and non-dairy milk alternatives, making it versatile for all preferences. Additionally, a frother helps mix flavored syrups or spices into your coffee, enhancing both flavor and presentation. Elevate your coffee experience with this simple yet effective gadget!
Coffee Themed Sticky Notes & To Do Pad ~ personal fave @ $8.99
We had to include these sticky note & to-do list set. Cute and you know your recipient will use them. Who doesn't love a sticky note?
Coffee Gator ~ Perfect Fresh Grounds under $10
With a cO2 release valve, date tracker and it's stainless steel body, this one is crazy good. Fresh coffee grounds every time. and don't forget you get the scoop too!
Wicked Cute Coffee Socks coming in for less than $7
Lot's of prints to choose from, fun & function! under $4 Car Coasters
Keeping cup holders clean everywhere!
Imagine your favorite coffee-loving friend or family member sipping their iced latte, their cup wrapped in a sleeve adorned with a whimsical pattern or a cheeky caffeine-fueled pun. These sleeves not only protect delicate hands from the chill of the cup, but they also add a touch of style and flair to any coffee break.
And from me to you, a very cute Coffee Lovers Freebie!
Print this Coffee Lover Weekly Planner and viola, instant coffee lovers gift! Go ahead and use some fancy paper if you would like.
This is a direct link to instant download this PDF from our Dropbox.
Enjoy our coffee gift picks!
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